Embracing The Spotlight And Learning From Shadows Cast

Photo Credit: hardwoodparoxysm.com
Photo Credit: hardwoodparoxysm.com

What does one write after the post that got more attention than a two-year old’s temper tantrum in aisle five of your local supermarket? If you’re me, you write absolutely nothing for days on end because you just don’t know how to follow that. If you’re me, you learn that the spotlight showers you with warm light while also casting shadows. If you’re me, you learn that putting pen to paper or fingers to keyboard is an act of courage that can be therapeutic for both writer and reader alike. If you’re me, you learn that you still have much to learn in this great big complicated world, and that a Weekly Writing Challenge can challenge you on a whole new level.

How often in life have we heard the phrase, education is key and been told to hit the books because you’re nothing without that diploma? It has been years since I have attended an academic institution, yet am still chalking up lessons. I’m not sitting behind a desk attentively listening to the professor and frantically taking notes, but I am still learning. The lessons I’m clocking these days are life lessons and taking notes may not be a bad idea. While I am a firm believer in getting that diploma and striving toward academic excellence, there’s no arguing with the value of life lessons.

How sad would it be if everything we know, we really did learn in kindergarten? There were definitely some good lessons there which many of us should brush up on from time to time. Sharing, good manners, kindness, waiting your turn… basic common courtesy far lacking in our society nowadays. However, let’s face it, the most important lessons are the ones life provides. Life experiences are what teach us how to be better. It’s those life experiences that make us realize just how strong we are, sometimes surprising ourselves more than those around us. While life shows us our strengths and our weaknesses, it also teaches us how to walk through that fire and come out stronger on the other side time and time again.

The thing about life lessons is you can’t sign up for the Tues-Thursday class at 8:00am. You can’t buy the book that will guide you through each lesson, and you certainly can’t get the Cliff Notes. There’s no Dummies book for life. You just have to live it! You have to keep your eyes and ears open and don’t let one pass you by, because I guarantee you it won’t be made into a feature film. You won’t get to grab some popcorn, sit back and enjoy the show, because those life lessons on the big screen were someone else’s not yours. You and I have to take it one day at a time and embrace each lesson life presents because each one is meant for us individually. What we do with it is solely up to us!

If you’re me, you decide to continue writing with your own voice whether anyone is listening or not. If you’re me, you decide to continue challenging yourself on every level. If you’re me, you learn that embracing the shadows as well as the spotlight is a lesson in and of itself. If you’re me, you decide the only way to be is to just be me. As my wise, new blogger friend says, “when you do that there’s no pressure.”

17 thoughts on “Embracing The Spotlight And Learning From Shadows Cast

  1. Here’s the thing. You can’t be anyone else other than you no matter how you try to hide it, It’s like standing straight, holding your breath and sticking that tummy in. You can’t keep it up forever. But I like the real you. Keep it up. 🙂

    1. What a great analogy! You’re so right, we can go down that road but can’t stay on it forever. I think the older I get, the happier I am with being me. Not everyone may like it, but I’m glad you do! 😉 Thank you for your words.

  2. I do understand also. I much to possibly my followers detriment write prolifically.. Sometimes I feel it’s just utter nonsense, sometimes I write and post too quickly, sometimes I pour my heart out. You are right though, life lessons are only learned by living them. You cannot take a class, you cannot get a degree, you must simply live and hope that what you do is to your satisfaction and happiness.

    1. I also feel like I’m all over the map on this blog. It doesn’t quite fit into any specific category, but then neither do we right? 😉 Thanks for the visit and the comment! It is much appreciated!

  3. I agree. You cannot put a price tag on life lessons. And fortunately, there is no manual on how to navigate through life’s journey. But, there are people who intersect your path along the way. Hopefully, they will continue to be a source of inspiration and encouragement. As for you, deciding to just be YOU, we wouldn’t have it any other way Miss Wordy! 🙂

    1. The best thing about those life lessons, and even those we cross paths with is how each one is meant to teach us something if we let them. Here’s to being open to them! And, thanks for the words of encouragement. I am who I am, and wouldn’t even know where to begin to be someone else. 😉

  4. Commendable follow up. It’s from the heart, like everything you write. It really does open your eyes, doesn’t it? Congrats again, I’m so happy that that post was recognized, Miss Wordy.

      1. I just want you to know, I’m not stalking you. Since you left WordPress, I think I’ve signed up to follow you every way possible because I realized I missed a couple of posts. Can’t have that! 😉

  5. I’m listening. And I understand. Keep learning the lessons and writing. It all is part of the circle. I love your style and I click on all your new posts with enthusiasm and always return. 😉

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