A Reflection Of Thanks – Photo Friday

Reflection of Thanks

This year I found a way to keep the act of being thankful going all month in our home. November 1st, I pulled out a set of dry erase markers, gathered the family around our hall mirror and asked them to write one thing they were thankful for that day. After a couple of (Mom has lost her marbles again) looks, they each wrote something.

The beauty of this activity as the month progressed was in the moments I came upon one of my children, standing before the mirror, deep in thought, reflecting upon what they were thankful for that day. And, while early on they had to give it some thought, later in the month they had a couple of items a day they wanted to add which made my heart smile.

The mirror became not only a reflection of thanks in words, but in images and memories.

If you look closely at what is reflected in this great big hall mirror covered in words of thanks, you will all see what I am most thankful for… the home and life we are blessed to live every day.

Here are a few more images of our Thanksgiving.

If you celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you and your family enjoyed it.

Whether you do or you don’t, the lesson here is that there isn’t one day or one month a year to give thanks.

We can and should find something to be thankful for each and every day.

I’m tempted to keep our words of thanks on the mirror permanently!

What is one thing you are thankful for today?

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