Shadows of Terror


Love was abundant
Hate hid in the dark
Shadows of terror
Stained hearts
Beating amidst promising life
Cut short by suicide
Orchestrated performance
On world stages
Of heightened threat level
Playing arenas where screams
Echo instead of cheers
Of celebration at a concert
Music to their black souls
Stripped from mothers’ arms
In defense march single file
Schoolchildren on lockdown drills
Into our broken hearts
Now beat hopeless
Conversations of nail bombs
Explode our children’s normal
Methods a thing of the past, present, future
Tragedy unavoidable allows an evil heart
Less action not an answer
The question we all carry
Weight so suffocating
Morals for good
Riddance to fear
Born of weakness
Born of terrorized hearts
Beat in united faith
In God’s hand
In your hate.
Love wins.

2 thoughts on “Shadows of Terror

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