Weekly Photo Challenge – Beyond


Photo Credit: littlemisswordy
Photo Credit: littlemisswordy

In the midst of winter with its harsh cold temps and snow shoveling duties, summer seems so far away doesn’t it? This is the part where I shouldn’t mention that I have no idea what that’s like since I’m currently living on a tropical island. I’ll leave that out, but will share this sweet story with you.

This past summer, my seven-year old spent ten days at the heels of his older sister and his three older cousins. No doubt this kid can hold his own, loves an audience, and is one of the most entertaining seven-year olds I have ever met. However, he was still the youngest and with that sentence naturally comes a tiny bit of impatience. Impatience to understand the topic of conversation, impatience to do the things they can do, and impatience to fast forward beyond this point in time and be as “grown up” as they appear to a seven-year old. It was sweet to see him in the midst of the older kids, trying to get their attention all while playing it cool. Being the youngest, he was the center of their attention most of the time anyway. However, there were those moments when I would catch him off to the side wistfully looking at them. This photo was taken at some point during those ten days, and in my eyes not only perfectly captured my cutie pie but also the story I just shared with you.

I’m heading off to Bermuda for a few days and not sure what internet access I’ll have while I’m there, but I set up the scheduler to publish a couple of posts while I’m gone. Here’s hoping it works! I’ll share photos when I return.

Here are a few more interpretations of Beyond shared by fellow bloggers:






25 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge – Beyond

    1. I know…I thought the same thing. He’s currently in a stage where he wants to be like the older kids, but still in his Peter Pan stage where being a grown up is not at all appealing to him. 😉

  1. You captured the LOOK beautifully! My gosh he IS a cutie. Let’s see, he’s seven and my daughter is seven, I’m certain these two would have a blast playing together. Have fun in Bermuda! Can’t wait to see the pics when you get back! 🙂

      1. Haha, the big secret with photography is that many of the best shots are the lucky shots. You just have to keep snapping and looking out for things to shoot and every now and then you get that really special shot 🙂

        When you’re shooting a person or object in a controlled space you can really set up the shot, but when you’re out and about it’s all about snapping away until you get that lucky picture or two 🙂

        Keep it up and have fun 🙂


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