There’s Something Strange In The (WordPress) Neighborhood!


Some strange happenings have been occurring all across the WordPress arena lately. It is all mysterious enough to not only get my attention, but if I was a Great Dane with a speech impediment let’s just say my van would be sporting a “Don’t Bother Knockin” sign and I’d be calling for back up.

Here are just a few Twilight Zone-ish events:

1. Someone didn’t find Ad-libb3d funny, and had the audacity (great word) to insult him. Who doesn’t find Ad-Libb3d funny? What are you from Mars?

2. My reader format was abducted by aliens and replaced with another life form that is nowhere near as friendly.

3. That same reader used to show a blogger’s sweet smiling face (or mug shot depending on the blog), but they have all been shrunk to pin heads!

*Side note: that’s why I started this post with a BIG ASS PHOTO of myself. I was thinking of inviting you guys to join me for BIG ASS PHOTO FRIDAYS in hopes of getting the WordPress gods attention, but that might be too “in your face” no?

4. Anka over at Keeping it Real found a silver lining in the WordPress reader. She did! She even posted about it. Now, no one has seen or heard from her since. You should go check on her.

5. And, Strawberry Shortcake I mean Becca over at 25toFly is flying so high she’s revealing all kinds of secrets over there. She’s not even under duress, and get this…she wants the rest of us to spill the beans too! Gasp! Go see for yourself!

If anyone has any information related to these incidents or witnessed other strange happenings, please come forward in the comments section. I’m sure it’s nothing. Probably just some meddling kids! Although, if Ad-libb3d’s commenter is really from Mars this case may be solved!

In the meantime, I’ll play along with Strawberry Shortcake, I mean Becca and share a little secret with you guys. Here goes nothing!

Everyone remembers their first concert right? The excitement of circling that date on your calendar, the feel of those tickets in your hand, and endless hours of conversation with your friends about how it was going to be an epic night! You chose your outfit carefully, not wanting to look like it was your first concert…didn’t want people to think you were trying too hard. You located the seats in the seat chart in advance, envisioning how close you might get to the stage. And you dreamed of being the lucky concert goer who gets chosen to go on stage or even better BACK STAGE!

Come on, we all had these fantasies about our first concert! I chose my outfit, held that ticket in my hand, FLOOR SEATS! I even waved a cigarette lighter around at just the right songs. It wasn’t epic, but it was definitely a night I’ll never forget. When my husband  and I shared first concert stories he laughed so hard he almost fell out of his chair. And here’s my moment of truth. My first concert was Neil Diamond. What? Did I mumble? Neil Diamond! Yep!

No wonder Mr. I attended Depeche Mode whose opening act was Nitzer Ebb laughed so hard he cried. I guess back then I was more Little Miss Nerdy than Little Miss Wordy!

What was your first concert?

39 thoughts on “There’s Something Strange In The (WordPress) Neighborhood!

  1. Sister in arms! My first concert was also Neil Diamond, at the height of his Jazz Singer days. Swoon! It should also be noted that my second and third concerts were Air Supply. Nothing wrong with a little soft rock when you’re 13. And they put on awesome shows, so whatever.

    1. There you are! I thought I heard crickets when I announced Neil Diamond was my first concert. lol We recently saw Air Supply on our trip to Disney World. I sang along and the looks on my kids faces was priceless! 😉

  2. My first concert was Fleetwood Mac. I won tickets from a radio station and was pretty excited. I figured, since the tickets were from a RADIO station, I knew they would be awesome! Uh… no. The stage was set up in a basketball arena, and our seats were right on the curtain line along the side. Basically it was like watching a split-screen concert: half was Fleetwood Mac blocked by giant speakers, and the other half was of stage hands standing around smoking and operating the soundboard. I stopped listening to that station…

  3. Mine was Pink Floyd’s The Wall at age 14, and I kept my fingers firmly planted in my ears the whole concert as we were near some huge speakers. I actually got quite scared when the whole place rumbled. Awesome though! And I still listen to Neil Diamond, like Depeche Mode and went to a Wham concert. Let’s be nerdy together.

  4. I’m down with the Big Ass Picture movement, I want to drop kick the new Reader format, I also noticed Anka was down and out and immediately blamed WordPress, and finally: New Kids on the Block. Don’t judge. You loved their harmonies, you can tell me the truth. (Can you tell I’m in a hurry and trying to be efficient?!)

    1. Read my comment to Being June just below this one! It was Senior Night at Disney World and those boys showed me some moves! High Senior Night by the way. It was a long time ago. Just want to be clear.

      Big Ass Photo Fridays could be a thing…I think it’s catching on. 😉

  5. The new Reader is SOOO clunky. BIG ASS PHOTO Friday…almost fell out of my chair laughing! My first concert was (gulp) New Kids on the Block.

  6. Well, at least now I know it wasn’t just my Reader– the mobile version was wonky for days (not showing anything but a cold blank screen), then mysteriously, yesterday all returned to normal (I use the term loosely, of course). Love your BAP, by the way!!

  7. My first concert was The Spin Doctors when I was 14. My parents took my best friend and I. It rocked. And I have totally dated myself. I’m getting used to the new reader. I just want to know why it has to make all of the posts run together. I can’t figure out which posts goes with which blog. Very annoying. I do like the new notifications though. I sort of had a “chat” with another blogger last night through comments on her blog on the notifications. Very cool.

    1. Cool parents! We are trying to introduce our kids to all kinds of music and have taken them to several concerts already. Lady Gaga and DeadMau5 to name a couple.

      I agree that the posts run together. That’s probably the thing that bothers me the most. Is there a new notifications feature? I haven’t noticed anything different. Hmmm…

      1. My parents were definitely cool when it came to music. We listened to everything. We’re trying to do the same. We are huge Lady Gaga fans in our house. Although the boys are very into Taylor Swift at the moment. At least it’s fun to dance to. Maybe I just never used the notifications well before. I do like it though. I’m using it right now!

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